

In Strawberry Fields we use the convention \(\hbar=2\) by default, but other conventions can also be chosen by setting the global variable sf.hbar at the beginning of a session. In this document we keep \(\hbar\) explicit.

Homodyne measurement


Homodyne measurement is a Gaussian projective measurement given by projecting the state onto the states


defined as eigenstates of the Hermitian operator

\[\hat{x}_\phi = \cos(\phi) \hat{x} + \sin(\phi)\hat{p}.\]


Implemented in Strawberry Fields as a measurement operator by strawberryfields.ops.MeasureHomodyne

In the Gaussian backend, this is done by projecting onto finitely squeezed states approximating the \(x\) and \(p\) eigenstates. Due to the finite squeezing approximation, this results in a measurement variance of \(\sigma_H^2\), where \(\sigma_H=2\times 10^{-4}\).

In the Fock backends, this is done by using Hermite polynomials to calculate the \(\x_\phi\) probability distribution over a specific range and number of bins, before taking a random sample.

Heterodyne measurement


The heterodyne measurement can only be performed in the Gaussian backend.


Heterodyne measurement is a Gaussian projective measurement given by projecting the state onto the coherent states,

\[\frac{1}{\pi} \ket{\alpha}\bra{\alpha}\]


Implemented in Strawberry Fields as a measurement operator by strawberryfields.ops.MeasureHeterodyne

Photon counting measurement


Photon counting is available in the Gaussian backend, but the state of the circuit is not updated after measurement (since it would be non-Gaussian).


Photon counting is a non-Gaussian projective measurement given by



Implemented in Strawberry Fields as a measurement operator by strawberryfields.ops.MeasureFock