In Strawberry Fields we use the convention \(\hbar=2\) by default, but other
conventions can also be chosen by setting the global variable sf.hbar
at the beginning of a session.
In this document we keep \(\hbar\) explicit.
where \(\alpha=r e^{i \phi}\) with \(r \geq 0\) and \(\phi \in [0,2 \pi)\).
Implemented in Strawberry Fields as a quantum gate by strawberryfields.ops.Dgate
We obtain for the position and momentum operators
The pure position and momentum displacement operators are defined as
Implemented in Strawberry Fields as a quantum gate by strawberryfields.ops.Xgate
Implemented in Strawberry Fields as a quantum gate by strawberryfields.ops.Zgate
The matrix elements of the displacement operator in the Fock basis were derived by Cahill and Glauber [1]:
where \(L_n^{m}(x)\) is a generalized Laguerre polynomial [2].
where \(z=r e^{i \phi}\) with \(r \geq 0\) and \(\phi \in [0,2 \pi)\).
Implemented in Strawberry Fields as a quantum gate by strawberryfields.ops.Sgate
The squeeze gate affects the position and momentum operators as
The Fock basis decomposition of displacement and squeezing operations was analysed by Krall [3], and the following quantity was calculated,
where \(\nu=e^{- i\phi} \sinh(r), \mu=\cosh(r), \alpha=\beta \mu - \beta^* \nu\).
Two important special cases of the last formula are obtained when \(r \to 0\) and when \(\beta \to 0\):
For \(r \to 0\) we can take \(\nu \to 1, \mu \to r, \alpha \to \beta\) and use the fact that for large \(x \gg 1\) the leading order term of the Hermite polynomials is \(H_n(x) = 2^n x^n +O(x^{n-2})\) to obtain
\[f_{n,m}(0,\phi,\beta) = \bra{n}D(\beta) \ket{m}=\sqrt{\frac{n!}{ m!}} e^{-\frac{\left| \beta \right| ^2}{2}} \sum_{i=0}^{\min(m,n)} \frac{(-1)^{m-i}}{(n-i)!} \binom{m}{i} \beta^{n-i} (\beta^*)^{m-i}\]On the other hand if we let \(\beta\to 0\) we use the fact that
\[\begin{split}H_n(0) =\begin{cases}0, & \mbox{if }n\mbox{ is odd} \\(-1)^{\tfrac{n}{2}} 2^{\tfrac{n}{2}} (n-1)!! , & \mbox{if }n\mbox{ is even} \end{cases}\end{split}\]to deduce that \(f_{n,m}(r,\phi,0)\) is zero if \(n\) is even and \(m\) is odd or vice versa.
When writing the Bloch-Messiah reduction [4][5] of a Gaussian state in the Fock basis one often needs the following matrix element
We use the convention that a positive value of \(\phi\) corresponds to an anticlockwise rotation in the phase space.
We write the phase space rotation operator as
Implemented in Strawberry Fields as a quantum gate by strawberryfields.ops.Rgate
It rotates the position and momentum quadratures to each other:
A special case of the rotation operator is the case \(\phi=\pi/2\); this corresponds to the Fourier gate,
Implemented in Strawberry Fields as a quantum gate by strawberryfields.ops.Fouriergate
The Fourier gate transforms the quadratures as follows:
Quadratic phase¶
Implemented in Strawberry Fields as a quantum gate by strawberryfields.ops.Pgate
It shears the phase space, preserving position:
This gate can be decomposed as
where \(\cosh(r) = \sqrt{1+(\frac{s}{2})^2}, \quad \tan(\theta) = \frac{s}{2}, \quad \phi = -\sign(s)\frac{\pi}{2} -\theta\).
For the annihilation and creation operators of two modes, denoted \(\a_1\) and \(\a_2\), the beamsplitter is defined by
Implemented in Strawberry Fields as a quantum gate by strawberryfields.ops.BSgate
Action on the creation and annihilation operators
They will transform the operators according to
where \(t = \cos \theta\) and \(r = e^{i\phi} \sin \theta\) are the transmittivity and reflectivity amplitudes of the beamsplitter respectively.
Therefore, the beamsplitter transforms two input coherent states to two output coherent states \(B(\theta, \phi) \ket{\alpha,\beta} = \ket{\alpha',\beta'}\), where
Action on the quadrature operators
By substituting in the definition of the creation and annihilation operators in terms of the position and momentum operators, it is possible to derive an expression for how the beamsplitter transforms the quadrature operators:
Action on the position and momentum eigenstates
A 50% or 50-50 beamsplitter has \(\theta=\pi/4\) and \(\phi=0\) or \(\phi=\pi\); consequently \(|t|^2 = |r|^2 = \frac{1}{2}\), and it acts as follows:
Alternatively, symmetric beamsplitter (one that does not distinguish between \(\a_1\) and \(\a_2\)) is obtained by setting \(\phi=\pi/2\).
Two-mode squeezing¶
where \(z=r e^{i \phi}\) with \(r \geq 0\) and \(\phi \in [0,2 \pi)\).
Implemented in Strawberry Fields as a quantum gate by strawberryfields.ops.S2gate
It can be decomposed into two opposite local squeezers sandwiched between two 50% beamsplitters [6]:
Two-mode squeezing will transform the operators according to
where \(z=r e^{i \phi}\) with \(r \geq 0\) and \(\phi \in [0,2 \pi)\).
Controlled-X gate¶
The controlled-X gate, also known as the addition gate or the sum gate, is a controlled displacement in position. It is given by
Implemented in Strawberry Fields as a quantum gate by strawberryfields.ops.CXgate
It is called addition because in the position basis \(\text{CX}(s) \xket{x_1, x_2} = \xket{x_1, x_2+s x_1}\).
We can also write the action of the addition gate on the canonical operators:
The addition gate can be decomposed in terms of single mode squeezers and beamsplitter as follows \(\text{CX}(s) = B(\frac{\pi}{2}+\theta,0) \left(S(r,0) \otimes S(-r,0) \right) B(\theta,0)\) where \(\sin(2 \theta) = \frac{-1}{\cosh r}, \ \cos(2 \theta)=-\tanh(r), \ \sinh(r) = -\frac{ s}{2}\)
Implemented in Strawberry Fields as a quantum gate by strawberryfields.ops.CZgate
It is related to the addition gate by a phase space rotation in the second mode: \(\text{CZ}(s) = R_{(2)}(\pi/2) \: \text{CX}(s) \: R_{(2)}^\dagger(\pi/2)\).
In the position basis \(\text{CZ}(s) \xket{x_1, x_2} = e^{i s x_1 x_2/\hbar} \xket{x_1, x_2}\).
We can also write the action of the controlled-phase gate on the canonical operators:
Cubic phase¶
The cubic phase gate is non-Gaussian, and thus can only be used in the Fock backends, not the Gaussian backend.
The cubic phase gate can suffer heavily from numerical inaccuracies due to finite-dimensional cutoffs in the Fock basis. The gate implementation in Strawberry Fields is unitary, but it does not implement an exact cubic phase gate. The Kerr gate provides an alternative non-Gaussian gate.
Implemented in Strawberry Fields as a quantum gate by strawberryfields.ops.Vgate
It transforms the phase space as follows:
Kerr interaction¶
The Kerr gate is non-Gaussian, and thus can only be used in the Fock backends, not the Gaussian backend.
The Kerr interaction is given by the Hamiltonian
which is non-Gaussian and diagonal in the Fock basis.
Implemented in Strawberry Fields as a quantum gate by strawberryfields.ops.Kgate
We can therefore define the Kerr gate, with parameter \(\kappa\) as
It transforms the creation and annihilation operators as
Cross-Kerr interaction¶
The cross-Kerr gate is non-Gaussian, and thus can only be used in the Fock backends, not the Gaussian backend.
The cross-Kerr interaction is given by the Hamiltonian
which is non-Gaussian and diagonal in the Fock basis.
Implemented in Strawberry Fields as a quantum gate by strawberryfields.ops.CKgate
We can therefore define the cross-Kerr gate, with parameter \(\kappa\) as
It transforms the creation and annihilation operators as
- 1
K. E. Cahill and R. J. Glauber. Ordered expansions in boson amplitude operators. Physical Review, 177:1857–1881, Jan 1969. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.177.1857.
- 2
F. W. J. Olver, A. B. Olde Daalhuis, D. W. Lozier, B. I. Schneider, R. F. Boisvert, C. W. Clark, B. R. Miller, and B. V. Saunders (eds.). NIST digital library of mathematical functions. Release 1.0.16 of 2017-09-18. [Online; accessed 2017-10-25]. URL:
- 3
P Král. Displaced and squeezed Fock states. Journal of Modern Optics, 37(5):889–917, 1990. doi:10.1080/09500349014550941.
- 4
Samuel L. Braunstein. Squeezing as an irreducible resource. Physical Review A, 71:055801, May 2005. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.71.055801.
- 5
Martin Houde, Will McCutcheon and Nicolás Quesada. Matrix decompositions in quantum optics: Takagi/Autonne, Bloch–Messiah/Euler, Iwasawa, and Williamson. Canadian Journal of Physics, 102(10), 497-507, Sep 2024. doi:10.1139/cjp-2024-0070.
- 6
M. S. Kim, W. Son, V. Bužek, and P. L. Knight. Entanglement by a beam splitter: nonclassicality as a prerequisite for entanglement. Physical Review A, 65:032323, Feb 2002. arXiv:quant-ph/0106136, doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.65.032323.
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